Welcome to Bosque Baptist Association
" ... let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works " Hebrews 10:24

" ... let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works " Hebrews 10:24
The Human Condition: We're Still Not There Yet!
Friday, March 21st at Clifton ISD Performing Arts Center beginning at 7PM.
Bosque Baptist Association is comprised of nineteen Baptist Churches located in Bosque County, Texas. We are mostly rural churches, ministering to a changing population. Like much of Texas' rural churches, half of our churches are pastored by bi-vocational ministers.
The association's office is located at 106 S. Ave. G, Clifton, Texas, 76634
Bosque County Cowboy Church--7032 Hwy 6, Clifton, TX 76634--Michael (Tater) Paschall-- Pastor--Worship 10:00 am
BOSQUE COUNTY COWBOY CHURCH - Bosque County Cowboy Church Home
Cedar Shores--208 CR 1500 Morgan, TX 76671--Keith Blanton, Pastor--Worship 10:00 am--Sunday School 9:00 am
First Baptist, Clifton
Bosque County Cowboy Church--7032 Hwy 6, Clifton, TX 76634--Michael (Tater) Paschall-- Pastor--Worship 10:00 am
BOSQUE COUNTY COWBOY CHURCH - Bosque County Cowboy Church Home
Cedar Shores--208 CR 1500 Morgan, TX 76671--Keith Blanton, Pastor--Worship 10:00 am--Sunday School 9:00 am
First Baptist, Clifton--106 S Ave. G Clifton, TX 76634--Cody Creel--Pastor--Worship 8:30 and 11:00 am--Sunday School 9:45 am--Steve James Music Minister--Steven Payne, Youth/Associate Pastor--Elizabeth Ball, Children's Director
First Baptist Clifton | Loving Jesus. Making Disciples. Building His Kingdom. (fbcclifton.com)
First Baptist, Cranfills Gap--13372 E. Hwy 22, Cranfills Gap, TX 76637-0127--Worship 11:00 am, Sunday School 10:00 am--
Kyle RoachPastor
Fairview Baptist Church--806 CR 3530, Clifton, TX 76634--Jim Dickson, Pastor--Worship 11:00 am, Children's Church (for smaller children) 11:00am--Bible Study 10:00 am
Fairview Baptist Church Bosque County – All are Welcome (fairviewbaptist-church.com)
Grace Memorial Baptist Church--107 S Ave. M, Clifton, TX 76634--Edward Davis, Pastor--Worship 11:00 am, Bible Study 10:00 am
Igelsia Bautisa La Nueva Jerusalem-South Ave. N, Clifton, TX 76634-1924-Worship 11:00 am
First Baptist, Iredell--200 McLain Ave. Iredell, TX 76649--Neil Wade, Pastor--Daniel Dagley, Youth--Jenny Dagley, Children--Tim Starnes, Music--Worship, 11:00 am--Bible Study 10:00 am
First Baptist, Kopperl--177 FM 1859, Kopperl, TX 76652--Pastor--Darrell Wallace--Worship, 11:00 am--Bible Study, 10:00 am
First Baptist, Lakeside Village--156 CR 1307, Morgan, TX 76671--Steve Allen, Pastor-Worship, 11:00 am--Bible Study 10:00 am
First Baptist, Meridian--207 North Hill, Meridian, TX 76665--James Gilbert, Pastor --Rachel Beaudin, Family Ministry Coordinator--Andrew Pratt, Discipleship/MIssions Coordinator--Worship, 10:30 am--Bible Study, 9:00 am--Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:30 pm
First Baptist, Morgan--P.O. Box 151, Morgan, TX 76671--Worship, 11:00 am---Bible Study, 10:00 am
Mosheim Baptist Church--10550 FM 215, Valley Mills, TX 76689--Glynn Beaty, Pastor--Worship, 11:00 am--Bible Study, 10:00 am
Oak Grove Baptist Church--409 S 6th St. , Valley Mills. TX 76689-- Worship, 11:00 am--Bible Study, 10:00 am
Primera Iglesia Bautista Emanuel--3342 FM 219, Clifton, TX 76634--Ike Longoria, Pastor--Worship, 11:00 am
Searsville Country Church-686 FM 217, Valley Mills, TX 76689--John Kennedy, Pastor--Worship, 9:30 am--Bible Study, 8:30 am
Spring Creek Baptist Church--825 CR 2160, Iredell, TX, 76649-- Kevin Brown, Pastor--Worship, 11:00 am--Bible Study, 10:00 am
First Baptist, Valley Mills-302 Ave C, Valley Mills, TX 76689--Adam Hailes, Pastor--Worship 10:55 am-- Bible Study, 9:45 am
First Baptist Church Valley MIlls (fbcvm.org)
Walnut Springs Baptist Church--152 4th St. Walnut Springs, TX 76690-T.J. Joyner ,Pastor-Garland Morrison, Music Minister--Worship, 11:00 am; 6:00 pm--Bible Study, 10:00 am
Walnut Springs Baptist Church - Walnut Springs Texas (walnutchurch.com)
We are currently encouraging our churches and members to actively walk in the neighborhoods and areas near their church and pray for the people who live there. It is our desire that all people in our county have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Praying for them seems the best first step
We are currently encouraging our churches and members to actively walk in the neighborhoods and areas near their church and pray for the people who live there. It is our desire that all people in our county have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Praying for them seems the best first step toward that end. If you would like to view a resource to help you prayer walk your neighborhood, click here: 30 Days of Praying Through Your Neighborhood | The Navigators
The annual music festival is quickly approaching and will be at First Baptist Church - Clifton. We will begin the night of worship at 6:00 p.m. with all participating churches contributing musical selections to lead in this night of praise. information about how to participate has been mailed to all our participating churches.
Elizabeth Ball is the secretary for the Bosque Baptist Association. She is married to Andy, Clifton Superintendent of Schools, and they have three children--Riley, Ruthie and Luke. The Ball family are members of First Baptist Church in Clifton, where Elizabeth also serves as Children's Director.
Keith Blanton i
Elizabeth Ball is the secretary for the Bosque Baptist Association. She is married to Andy, Clifton Superintendent of Schools, and they have three children--Riley, Ruthie and Luke. The Ball family are members of First Baptist Church in Clifton, where Elizabeth also serves as Children's Director.
Keith Blanton is the Director of Missions for the Bosque Baptist Association. He is married to Melanie Stidham Blanton. Togehter they have four adult children and eight grandchildren. Keith is also the pastor of Cedar Shores Baptist Church where he as served since 2004. He began the additional role of DoM for the association in June, 2023.
We encourage you to visit with us as you are able. A face to face time is always better than computer to computer!
Monday---9:00-12:00 noon
Wednesday--9:00-12:00 noon
Other times by appointment
Copyright © 2025 Bosque Baptist Association - All Rights Reserved.